Troubling waters
Waves to despair
All in the same boat
Coping with all that's unfair.

The scene is familiar.
We vaguely remember
How the Lord responded
To a particular boat, and one specific member.

Jesus, walking on water
was going to walk on by
Until Peter beseeched him -
"Come." was Jesus's reply.

Peter clambered out,
but faltered as he glanced the wind.
He was no longer fixed on Jesus
So he began to descend.

"Save me!" may be words too trite
But so apt as we all flounder
When our eyes are unfixed
On our Lord, Savior, the ultimate Founder.

Christians and unbelievers alike
Are in the same boat, but there is a fix -
Find focus in His Word
To raise all mankind above the mix.

The world is Satan's stir-pot
Throwing distractions and miseries.
But don't let Jesus walk on by
Be Christ's hand in all your ministries.

Matthew 14:22-32

LMKazmierczak  All Rights Reserved 2021