So many paths

So many directions

So many wide open swaths

We relish our freedom to stroll -

To satisfy our predilections.


Advised to take the straight and narrow

But also paths least taken.

We are pushed and pulled down a furrow

Thinking we are in control -

When we are mistaken.


Christ's path did not venture far

From his immediate surroundings.

His steps were sure. He raised the bar

For how to treat one's neighbors -

With love, and understandings.


Here's the thing about the path -

While it leads to one great ending -

When Followers fail, falter in faith

They are not obliged to make it straighter!

Only God can intervene; it is His power transcending.


The Holy Spirit guides our feet

Our hearts, our minds, our faith

Bringing us to that shining meet

With perfection, to our Creator.

We cannot make straight our own path -

That's the purview of our Lord and Savior.


The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,

   shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18 NIV


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