May It Come To Pass


May it come to pass

A mighty nation

Repair its situation.


May it come to pass

A mighty plague

Can be worn down at last -

And we be worthy of our flag.


May it come to pass

A people will attend

With Spiritual alleluia

For us to prayerfully bend -

Observe  Nehemiah:


He took on a mighty task

Repairing his city under

Enemies amassed.

Before he began he prayed four months!

Our example during quarantine.

Pair yourselves with His vision!


Re-pair, so it can come to pass,

Your hearts and minds for glory.

Re-pair with His Word at last -

Gird yourselves for this journey

So, at the very least

We all can ultimately be unmasked!

O may it come to pass!


Book of Nehemiah

It’s an opinion…That period of "some days" is probably four months. In 1:1 he says,"In the month of Kislev in the twentieth year...." In 2:1, when he begins to take action, he refers to the month of Nisan, four months later.

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