John, beloved of Christ, outlived his peers.
By virtue of his discipled life.
He penned a simple letter which steers
Believers to live for God for all their years.

Those who love truth
Should love it in others.
Those uncouth
Should be prayed for, forsooth!

The kingdom of God
Is to be embraced, dispersed,
Interconnected, on this earthly sod.
But he who rejects it, is a fraud.

Love them, to be sure,
But avoid them and their deeds.
Focus on God's future!
Raise your children to endure!

2 John verse 2: For the truth’s sake which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us forever.

"Those who love truth and piety in themselves should love it in others, or love others on the account of it": Matthew Henry Commentary on 2 John.

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